While the age of destructive innovation in which we are involved forces many business processes to transform, it is unlikely that internal audit functions will examine the activities carried out under a faster and technological curtain with the classic approach (old school) and create the expected value in time.


Like many professions, internal audit should shift its focus from a purely financial analysis-oriented approach to a technology and innovation-oriented approach. He should pay attention to the trends that have been frequently talked about in recent days, such as productivity audit, performance audit, technology audit, culture audit and Innovation Audit. Analyze the company's predisposition to technology and innovation and provide assurance and consulting services in this area. It should work to make in-house entrepreneurship and innovation a corporate culture, ensure that innovation and entrepreneurship are included in company strategies, long-and short-term goals of the organization. It should carry out analyses to measure and control long-term goals.

Innovation also needs to be clearly defined, shared and measurable with employees in order to become an enterprise goal. Internal audit should perform the necessary analysis to measure innovation;

Below are some of the considerations that should be focused during the analysis of measuring innovation.

How many new products and services did we offer last year, and how does this compare to the ideal?
How long does it take to move from initial approval to full implementation?
How much of our revenue comes from products or services released in the last 2 years?
How effective is our idea generation program? How many ideas do we generate?
How many ideas are sent per employee and how many are approved ?
What resources do we devote to innovations according to people, time and money?
To what extent are people empowered to try new ideas?
Do we accept and reward Risk-taking?
Do we blame people for failure when initiatives fail?
Can people Challenge company policy or the decisions of the boss?
Complaint or entrepreneur?
Are we deliberately looking at outside ideas?
Do departments openly collaborate on projects?
What's stopping us from implementing more ideas quickly?
Source: Cantekin Ertekin


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