Kızıl, C., Şeker, Ş.E., Akman, V., Işık, E. Y., Demirkol, V., Kefeli, S. (2015). "Muhasebe Finansman, Yönetim Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Yazıları", Leges Yayınları, ISBN: 978-605-65066-8-0. (Kitap)
Aksel, İ., Arslan, M. L., Kızıl, C., Okur, M. E., Şeker, Ş. E. (2013). “Dijital İşletme”, (Digital Business), Cinius Yayınları (Cinius Publishing). ISBN: 978-605-127-675-5 (Kitap)
Kızıl, A., Fidan, M. M., Kızıl, C., Keskin, A. İ. (2013). "TMS - TFRS, Türkiye Muhasebe ve Finansal Raporlama Standartları: Uygulamalar, Yorumlar, Muhasebeleştirme", DER Yayınları. ISBN: 978-975-353-404-8. (Kitap)
Kızıl, C., Kahve, F., Aydınyılmaz, O. (2013). "Muhasebe ve Finans Perspektifinden Renault-Nissan Birleşmesi ile Daimler Stratejik Ortaklığı", Derin Yayınları. ISBN: 978-605-5500-77-1. (Kitap)
Kzl, C. (2012). "Measurement, Accounting and Reporting of Intellectual Capital in Arelik" (ISBN: 978-3-8465-9777-4), Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Almanya. (ngilizce Yayn). (Kitap)
Kzl, C. (2010). "Entelektel Sermaye Analizleri". Derin Yaynlar. ISBN: 978-9944-250-98-6. (Kitap)
Kzl, A., Kzl C. (2007). "Accounting: Financial, Cost, Managerial". Bahar Yaynevi. ISBN: 994463070-5. (Kitap).
Kzl, C., Akman, V., Korkmaz, H. (2015). "Marmara Blgesinde Muhasebe-Denetim Mesleinin nemi zerine Bir Aratrma", Akademik Sosyal Aratrmalar Dergisi (ASOS Journal), Yl: 3, Say: 10, Mart 2015, ss.193-211. (Uluslararas Makale)
Kzl, C., Akman, V., Zorkalkan, T., Trkmen, R. (2015). "Muhasebenin Tarihine Kresel Kapsamda ve Trkiye Kapsamnda Vergisel Bir Bak", Leges Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 15 Eyll 2014-15 Ocak 2015, Yl: 5, Say: 3, ss.70-87. (Uluslararas Makale)
Akman, V., Hanolu, M., Kzl, C., "Liderlik ile Personel Performans Arasndaki liki zerine Bir irket ncelemesi", Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (ESOSDER), Cilt:14, Say: 52, ss. 130-145. (Uluslararas Makale)
Kzl, C, Akman, V, Demir, N., "D Ticaret Uygulamalarnda Akreditif lemlerin Muhasebeletirilmesi", Trakya niversitesi ktisadi ve dari Bilimler Fakltesi (BF) Uluslararas E-Dergi, Cilt: 3, Say: 2, ss. 21-45. (Uluslararas Makale)
Kzl, C., Arslan, M. L., eker, . E., "An Accounting Viewpoint for the Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Web Trends of BIST 30 Firms in Turkey", Maliye Finans Yazlar Dergisi, Yl: 28, Say: 101, Nisan 2014,ss.53-81. (Uluslararas Makale)
Kzl, C., eker, . E., Bozan, D. (2014). "Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Bilgisayar Kullanmnn rencilerin Muhasebe Dersindeki Baarsna Etkisi", Alphanumeric Journal, Cilt: 2. Say: 2, ss. 77-97. (Uluslararas Makale)
Kzl, C., etin, A. T., Bulunmaz, A. (2014). "Accounting Education Approach in the Context of New Turkish Commercial Code and Turkish Accounting Standards", Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ), University of Pittsburgh Press (USA), Vol 4. No: 1, ISSN: 2158-8708 (online), DOI: 10.5195/emaj.2014.62,ss.72-84. (Uluslararas Makale)
Arslan, M. L., eker, . E., Kzl, C. (2014). "Innovation Driven Emerging Technology from two Contrary Perspectives: A Case Study of Internet", Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ), University of Pittsburgh Press (USA), Vol 3. No: 3, ISSN: 2158-8708 (online), DOI: 10.5195/emaj.2014.54. ss. 87-97. (Uluslararas Makale)
Kzl, C, eker, . E., Avarkan, T. (2014), "Trk letme Dnyasndan Muhasebe Barter Uygulamalar ve rnekleri", Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 4, Say: 7, ss. 67-78. (Uluslararas Makale)
Kzl, C., Arslan, M. L., eker, . E. (2013). "Correlation Between Intellectual Capital and Web Trends of Top 30 Companies in Turkey", International Journal of Social Studies and Humanity Studies, Vol. 5 No: 2, ISSN: 1309-8063 (online), ss. 39-49. (Uluslararas Makale)
Kzl, C., Eddy, V., Clary, L., Crowell, K. (2013). "Hershey's Entry to the Australian Market with a New Brand: An Accounting and Marketing Perspective", Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ), University of Pittsburgh Press (USA), Vol. 3, No:2, ISSN: 2158-8708 (online), DOI: 10.5195/emaj.2013.43. ss. 97-126. (Uluslararas Makale)
etin, A. T., Kzl, C., Zengin, H. . (2013), "Impact of Mentoring on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Accounting-Finance Academicians Employed in Turkey", Emerging Markets Journal (EMAJ), University of Pittsburgh Press (USA), Vol. 3, No: 2, ISSN: 2158-8708 (online), DOI: 10.5195/emaj.2013.40. ss. 1-28. (Uluslararas Makale)
Kzl, A., Gler, F., Ceylan, C., Kzl, C., Keskin, A. ., Buget, P. (2010). "Evaluation of Managers Employed in the Turkish Tourism Sector's Accommodation Estabishments", Akademik Bak Uluslararas Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler E-Dergisi, Say:22, Ekim-Kasm-Aralk 2010, ISSN: 1694-528X. (Uluslararas Makale)
Kzl, C., Akman, V., Aras, S., Erzin, N.O. (2015). "Yalova linde kamet Eden Muhasebe Meslek Mensuplarnn Muhasebe Etik Algs", Beykent niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 8, Say: 1, ss.6-31. (Ulusal Makale)
Kzl, C., Akman, V., Tasmacolu, A., Takran, H. (2014). "evre Muhasebesinin nemi zerine Yalova linde Bir Aratrma", Beykent niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt:7, Say:2, ss.20-34. (Ulusal Makale)
Kzl, C, Erzin, N. O., Kara, E. . (2013), "E-Ticaret Sektrnde Entelektel Sermayenin llmesi, Raporlanmas ve Muhasebeletirilmesi: Amazon.com letmesi zerine Bir Aratrma", Nianta niversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: 1, Say: 2, ISSN: 2147-5121, ss.137-158. (Ulusal Makale)
Kzl, C., Aras, S., Erzin, N. O. (2014). "Muhasebe Etii: Yalova linde kamet Eden Serbest Muhasebeci Mali Mavirler zerinde Bir Aratrma", 5. Ulusal Kurumsal Ynetim, Yolsuzluk, Etik ve Sosyal Sorumluluk Konferans, 26 Eyll 2014, Edirne, Trkiye. (Ulusal Bildiri)
Kzl, C., ztrk, S. (2015). "Determination of Patient Satisfaction Levels in Family Health Centers: An Example from Yalova City - Turkey", International Conference on Management, Business, Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities, Dubai, Birleik Arap Emirlikleri (UAE), 12-13 Mart 2015. (Uluslararas Bildiri)
Kzl, C., Arslan, M. L., eker, . E. (2013). "Correlation between Intellectual Capital and Web Trends of Top 30 Companies in Turkey", Social Sciences Research Society (SOSRES) VI. International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS) '2013, 4-5 Ekim 2013, zmir, Turkey. (Uluslararas Bildiri)
Kzl, C., Kurt, M. (2013). "Vision at Global, Action at Local", 2013 PRME Summit - 5th Annual Assembly: New Ways of Developing Leaders for The Future We Want, Selected Case Stories, 25-26 Eyll 2013, Bled, Slovenya. (Uluslararas Bildiri)
Kzl, C., Erzin, N. O., Kara, E. . (2013). "Measurement, Reporting and Accounting of Intellectual Capital in the E-Commerce Industry: A Research on Amazon.com Inc", Proceedings of European Business Research Conference, Sharaton Roma, 5-6 Eyll 2013, Rome, Italy. (Uluslararas Bildiri)
etin, A. T., Aslan, S., Kzl, C. (2013). Behaviors of Academicians Regarding Internet Acceptance and a Research Run in Marmara Region Universities, Proceedings of Balkans Between East and West International Conference, 5-7 Haziran 2013, Prizren, Kosova. s. 211. (Uluslararas Bildiri)
Kzl, C., etin, A. T., Bulunmaz, A. (2013). Accounting Education Approach in the Context of New Turkish Commercial Code and Turkish Accounting Standards, 10th EBES Istanbul Conference Program and Abstract Book, 23-25 Mays 2013, stanbul, Turkey, s. 63. (Uluslararas Bildiri)
Kzl, C., Tansel Cetin, A., Zengin, H.I.(2012). "The Impact of Mentoring on Job Commitment and Turnover Intentions of Accounting-Finance Academicians Employed in Turkey", Proceedings of 6th Asian Business Research Conference, 8-10 Nisan 2012, Bangkok, Thailand. Book of Abstracts (Uluslararas Bildiri)
Tansel Cetin, A., Kizil, C., Yapici, G.(2012). The Effects of Regulations Concerning Accounting Ethics on Fraud and Unintentional Errors. 4th International Conference on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility , 3-7 Nisan 2012, Alanya-Antalya, Turkey. Book of Abstracts, Sayfa 76. (Uluslararas Bildiri)
Aybar, B., Fc, A., Kzl C. (2006). "The Impact of Turkey's Possible EU Accession on the Privatization Processes of the Energy Sector in Turkey". The Future Competitiveness of the EU and Its Eastern Neighbours International Conference. Turku, Finland. B#ook of Abstracts, Sayfa 5. (Uluslararas Bildiri)



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